Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Kelly's New Gig

Kelly has offically become a 'substitute teacher' at our elementary school. (Not sure if it's politically correct to call her a 'sub' but it sounds better than a 'temp'!) I think she figured that she has the time to do this, now that all of our kids are in school. Maybe it's because her brothers and sisters have taught at some point or another. Or maybe it's just an elaborate excuse to buy new clothes?

I'm guessing that the kids are going to call her "Miss Kelly" or maybe just "ma'am". Kids are pretty polite around here y'know!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Jazz Fest

We (John, Renata, and I) headed to downtown Nashville last weekend for the Jazz's not all country here!! Al Jarreau closed the show and it was fantastic. I've been wanting to see Al for about 20 years now and to be right up front and center was almost surreal.

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