Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Today is Kelly's Birthday!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Talia & Renata make a movie
Please go to Talia's Blog to view this! George Lucas, look out!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Guitar Heaven

I went to the Gibson Guitar 'Summer Jam' today. It was at their custom shop here in Nashville, right next door to where I work. I got invited this year....last year I was working a second shift and I could hear them through my office walls.
Here's a few photos from my phone. BTW, none of these guitars are for sale. Each one is made custom for the buyer.
Monday, July 09, 2007
The (New) Cars

Went to see the New Cars with Kelly, Talia, and Renata this weekend in Nashville. The last time I saw them was in '79 at Cobo Arena in Detroit. (DVB...do you remember?) The crowd is not the same as it was back then....quite a few more gray hairs and bald heads!
The band was fantastic! Todd Rundgren is the new lead singer and he threw in a couple of his own songs too.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4th of Ju-ly, Y'all!
This goes out to the neighbors that decided to call the police while we were lighting sparklers with the kids yesterday. Get a life!