Sunday, April 23, 2006
Pinewood Derby

Last week was Victor's first Pinewood Derby with his Boy Scout pack. He selected a design, picked out the colors, got help cutting the wood, and then sanded (and sanded and sanded and...) without too much help from Dad. Of course, 90% of this was done the day before the race! The car didn't make it into the finals but I think he was pretty proud that it did as well as it did.
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Very cool car! Pinewood Derby has been one of Connor's favorite things to participate in with Boy Scouts! Glad you had fun.
Very cool car! Pinewood Derby has been one of Connor's favorite things to participate in with Boy Scouts! Glad you had fun.
I think GM needs a little help. Maybe you should bring it to Detroit! Good Job and the cutest cub scout I ever saw.
I stand corrected. I have trouble keeping track of what kind of scout he is since he started out last year as a Tiger Cub, he just crossed over to a Wolf Cub and he's working on his Bobcat badge. I think he's actually a cub scout until he becomes a boy scout in 5th grade .... but what do I know, I was in Indian Guides!
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